About me
About me
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Because as a journalist, I quickly know what is important, can differentiate between important and unimportant and am strong in analysis.
Because as a journalist, I quickly know what is important, can differentiate between important and unimportant and am strong in analysis.
About me
Center for Innovative & Strategic Speaking

20 years of management experience at Deutsche Lufthansa, TUI and PwC. Head of communication with board experience.
Editor and interview correspondent for Stuttgarter Nachrichten. Theodor Wolff laureate for uncovering the affair surrounding the fake Hitler diaries of STERN.
Studied history and politics at the University of Tübingen
Certified Vistage Coach (Winchester / UK). Coaching the first management team of many companies.
Entrepreneur at communication consultancy "Creative *.
About me

Because as a journalist, I quickly know what is important, can differentiate between important and unimportant and am strong in analysis.
Im Einzel- wie im Team-Coaching arbeite ich intensiv mit Ihnen an Ihren Vorträgen und Reden - am Inhalt genauso wie an Ihrem Vortragsstil und ihrem optimalen Bühnenauftritt. Bei Bedarf unterstütze ich beim Texten oder der inhaltlichen Recherche. Als Europameister der freien Rede, Vize-Europameister und Key Note Speaker lege ich viel Wert auf präzise Vorbereitung, auf die neuesten Erkenntnisse der Neuro-Rhetorik und innovative Vortrags-Formate, die uns durch neue Technologien ermöglicht werden.
Because as a journalist, I quickly know what is important, can differentiate between important and unimportant and am strong in analysis.
Sie müssen ein Interview geben? In einer Talkshow auftreten? Sich an einer Panel-Diskussion beteiligen, die von Journalisten begleitet wird? Der Medienmarkt steckt voller Tricks und Tücken - und wer nicht professionell vorbereitet in solche Interviews geht, der hat des öfteren schon sein blaues Wunder erlebt. 18 Jahre habe ich beide Seiten des Schreibtisches erlebt und mit über tausend TV-, Radio- und Zeitungsinterviews alle Höhen und Tiefen durchlebt.
Nehmen Sie jederzeit und gerne Kontakt mit mir auf. Ich freue mich auf Sie.
About me
20 years of management experience at Deutsche Lufthansa, TUI and PwC. Head of communication with board experience.
Editor and interview correspondent for Stuttgarter Nachrichten. Theodor Wolff laureate for uncovering the affair surrounding the fake Hitler diaries of STERN.
Studied history and politics at the University of Tübingen
Certified Vistage Coach (Winchester / UK). Coaching the first management team of many companies.
Entrepreneur at communication consultancy "Creative *.
About me
Mirijam, 31, Theaterpädagogin
You don't recognize intelligent people by their answers, but by their questions. Dr. Moeller continues to inspire his audience with humorous, curious and thought-provoking questions. In this way, he takes his audience on a journey into new ways of thinking, changing perspectives, crossing borders and intellectual discoveries. It never gets boring and gives a lot of material for discussions and thinking! Brilliant!

Irmgard Duttenhofer, Pressesprecherin Sparkasse Karlsruhe/Vorsitzende des Presseclubs
I still rave about your talk. It was an impressive speech, skilfully performed and perfectly staged. Word and image have undoubtedly sparked everyone's head cinema. Just awesome. We were all very grateful for the wealth of information we could take home with us. Thank you for accepting our invitation.